Glenmary honored with 19 Catholic Media Awards

Glenmary News

Glenmary honored with 19 Catholic Media Awards

Glenmary Home Missioners received 19 awards for excellence in journalism and communications for our work in the Glenmary Challenge, El Reto, on social media, and for Father Aaron’s published book. These awards are given by the Catholic Media Association, an organization of over 800 members united in mission to share the Good News through Catholic media.


Best Use of Live Video in Social Media

1st Place – Glenmary Country Raffle Facebook Live by Laney Blevins and Theresa Nguyen-Gillen

Judges wrote: “Loved the budget ‘Price is Right’ feel to this video. It was fun and entertaining.”

Facebook Live Link


CMA Book Awards – Religion in the Public Square

1st Place – The Church’s Mission in a Polarized World by Father Aaron Wessman

Judges wrote: “Father Robert Wessman’s timely book, ‘The Church’s Mission in a Polarized World,’ addresses the disproportionate vitriol seen in today’s political climate, advocating for dialogue and unity in the face of polarization. As part of the Magenta series, the book offers solutions to diffuse polarization, urging readers to embrace charity and consider whether political affiliations overshadow their commitment to Jesus Christ and the Church.


Best Reporting of the Celebration of a Sacrament

2nd PlaceGlenmary Challenge – Becoming Catholic by John Feister

Judges wrote: “The story of becoming a Catholic is personal. The article shows readers how and what moved Megan and the people and community which embraced her.”


Best Annual Report/Appeal – Catholic Nonprofit Organization

3rd Place – 2022-2023 Impact and Stewardship Report by Chris Phelps and Cassie Magnotta

Judges wrote: “The community’s needs and ministry’s goals and impact are clearly presented. And the numerous infographics are quite effective in communicating important information. The QR codes are a nice touch to spur engagement.


Best Cover for Color – Large

3rd Place – Glenmary Challenge Autumn 2023 by Emilie Winner, Glenn McInnes, and Glenmary Communications/Marketing Department

Judges wrote: “Among the submissions featuring illustrated covers, this submission stands out for its combination of arresting visuals, thoughtful and skilled layout, and competent graphics.


Best Essay – Mission Magazines

3rd Place – Glenmary Challenge – Smallness of Scale by Polly Duncan Collum

Judges wrote: “Effective analogy. Writer credibly puts scale in perspective, underscoring the grandeur in smallness.”


Best Explanation of Marriage

Honorable Mention – Glenmary Challenge – Married Mission Ministry by John Feister


Best Layout or Article Columns – Mission Magazine

Honorable MentionGlenmary Challenge – Volunteer Impact by Emilie Winner


Best Regular Column – Religious Life

Honorable Mention – Glenmary Challenge – From the President by Fr. Dan Dorsey


Best Multiple Picture Package – Feature

Honorable Mention – Glenmary Challenge – Volunteer Impact by Emilie Winner and John Feister


Best Photograph – Sacramental

3rd Place – Glenmary Challenge – Father Vijaya Katta Celebrates Mass With Migrant Workers at North Carolina Farm by Omar Cabrera

Judges wrote: “I felt like I was part of the service in the outdoors. Nicely composed.”


Spanish Awards

Best Reporting on the Celebration of a Sacrament

1st Place – Una Iglesia abierta para todos by Omar Cabrera, John Feister and Ashley Lodge

Judges wrote: “This story is a beautiful profile of a family determined to give their children a Catholic education. Over the course of the story, the author reveals why faith is so important to this family: the father, who had been struggling with alcoholism for years, got sober with the support of his church community.”


Best Essay Reflecting on Faith Formation

2nd Place – Aunque es pobre la morada, se las doy de corazón by Padre Neil Pezzulo

Judges wrote: “This piece offers an engaging and uplifting reflection on las Posadas. Father Pezzulo vividly illustrates the significance of this ritual, emphasizing how it brings the Christmas story to life for believers through physical participation, thereby emphasizing the season’s relevance and urgency. Additionally, he skillfully integrates cultural context, highlighting how Latino immigrants are revitalizing American Catholic communities.”


Best Reporting on Catholic Education

2nd Place – Una Iglesia abierta para todos by Omar Cabrera, John Feister and Ashley Lodge.

Judges wrote: “This story is a beautiful profile of a family determined to give their children a Catholic education. Vivid, moving details reveal how important these seemingly simple moments.”


Best Story and Photo Package-By an Individual:

2nd Place – El padre Vic tiene una nueva misión by Omar Cabrera.

Judges wrote: “The first two pages are excellently balanced, with typography and images. The layout showcases the designer’s skill. The use of red is particularly commendable. Great job!”


Best Writing—In Depth:

3rd Place – El padre Vic tiene una nueva misión by Omar Cabrera.


Best coverage–Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate:

3rd Place – El padre Vic tiene una nueva misión by Omar Cabrera.

Judges wrote: “This was an interesting profile on Padre Vic Subb with lots of great information about his work and the way he continued to be active despite mobility issues.”


Best Layout of an Article or Column:

Honorable Mention – El padre Vic tiene una nueva misión by Emilie Winner


Best Feature Writing

Honorable Mention – El padre Vic tiene una nueva misión by Omar Cabrera.