Vocation Survey

Is God calling you to be a missioner?

Submitting this quick vocational survey will hep us to respond to your inquiry. All your answers will be kept confidential.

    I am:

    I am:
    CatholicBecoming a CatholicNot a Catholic

    I am between the ages:
    15-2021-3536-47over 47

    What level of education have you completed?
    NoneHigh SchoolSome CollegeCollege

    I am exploring the following vocations:

    I have been considering religious life for:
    Less than 1 year1-2 yearsOver 2 years

    Has anybody ever told you that they think you would be a good priest or brother?

    What qualities do you already possess that might help you to live the Glenmary way of life?
    I want to live in a rural environmentI am attracted to small townsI am service orientedI am prayerfulI am a self-starterI am open mindedI want to live a simple lifestyleI am open to cross-cultural situationsI have a desire to serve the forgottenI am open to ecumenical experiencesI am creativeI am flexible to changeI am open to learning new thingsOther

    If "other", explain:

    What would be the biggest reasons holding you back from considering the priesthood or being a religious brother?
    I am not holy enoughI'm too youngI have too much personal debtI'm afraid I'll failI've made mistakes in my pastI struggle with anxiety or depressionI have medical reasonsI'm not talented enoughI don't pray enoughOther
    If "other", explain:

    Of the Glenmary ministries that I know, the ones I am most attracted to are:
    Rural ministryEvangelizationSacramental ministrySocial justiceEcumenical ministryPrison ministryPreachingService to the poorSocial serviceHealthcareConstruction workOther

    Thank you! We'd like to talk with you about your results.

    Contact Information




    When is the best time to call?