A series of maps produced by the Glenmary Research Center makes it easy for Catholics living anywhere in the United States to compare how their county of residence stacks up against the counties identified by Glenmary as having “high mission need.”
A common question asked of Glenmarians and coworkers when they visit parishes to make mission appeals or set up displays at vocation and ministry fairs is this: “How does the county where I live (work/go to school) compare with the areas where Glenmary missioners serve?”
The maps in this 2007 series were complied by Clifford Grammich, who collected the Catholic data for Religious Congregations & Membership: 2000. The series includes:
2013 U.S. Catholic population map
U.S. counties with low percentages of Catholics
U.S. counties with high poverty rates
U.S. counties with over 40 percent of the population unchurched