Third Saturday of Easter

Daily Reflection

Third Saturday of Easter

Inch by inch

From today’s Scripture: “The Church…was being built up.”—Acts 9:31a

In 1997 our family moved to Tippah County in northern Mississippi to establish a new Glenmary mission. Working with Glenmarians, and with Sister Kate Ripley, we incrementally offered the gifts of Catholic Christianity to a county with no Catholic presence.

Our small faith-community began weekly prayer services in a run-down motel meeting room with cold water, mice, little heat, and folding chairs. We looked forward to monthly Mass. Through God’s grace and much church-member labor, St. Matthew Catholic Church grew and was consecrated some years ago. It is another Glenmary success story, where persistence, faith, and hope, over time, help plant the seed of faith. Grace is the water that makes it grow.

Let us pray: Lord, thank you for building up your Church. How can I help?



Today’s author is Polly Duncan Collum, former parish lay missioner and now director of the Glenmary’s Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation.


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