Third Friday of Easter

Daily Reflection

Third Friday of Easter

Commitment to the poor

From today’s Scripture: “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.”—Acts 9:5b

In this powerful passage about the conversion of Saul, Jesus profoundly identifies himself with his persecuted body, the Church. The passage brings to my mind a favorite line from the Catechism: “The Eucharist commits us to the poor” (1397). We receive Jesus at the altar, and, if we are tuned in, recognize him in the world’s most vulnerable: those who are poor, persecuted, forgotten, oppressed, despairing, or threatened by violence. In them is the face of Christ.

Let us pray: Lord, open my eyes to recognize you in those who are most in need, and help me to respond courageously.



Today’s author is Polly Duncan Collum, former parish lay missioner and now director of the Glenmary’s Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation.


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