St. Bonaventure

Daily Reflection

St. Bonaventure

Sharing our faith

From today’s Scripture: What I say to you in the darkness, speak in the light; what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. ” —Mt 10:27

It seems we only hear of proclaiming things from the housetops these days when there is a flood and people are trapped on their roofs! If we think of our Muslim brothers and sisters, maybe we can see the image of the muezzin calling for prayer high above in the minaret of a mosque. You won’t see the same from a Catholic church.

What we know surely in our faith, though, we are commanded to share openly with the people around us. That’s difficult in a pluralist society—we want to respect others—but if our faith is worth having, it’s worth sharing.

Let us pray: Help me to be an evangelist, Lord, a messenger of your good news. Show me ways to offer the life you have given to me in ways that don’t send people running! 



Today’s author is John Feister, an award-winning journalist and leader of Glenmary’s Communications Team. 


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