Sixth Wednesday of Easter

Daily Reflection

Sixth Wednesday of Easter

Christ suffers with us.

From today’s Scripture: “Indeed he is not far from any one of us. For ‘In him we live and move and have our being.’”—Acts 17:27-28

If I can just learn to stay centered in the knowledge that Jesus has already won the victory and that God’s mercy abounds for those who suffer, what would I have to worry about? My heart would still break for the suffering in this world, but I could allow my heart to be broken with Jesus.

We never mourn alone, even the most private of suffering is also Christ’s suffering. When I unite my broken heart to God’s, I can allow him to refresh me. What heartbreak can you bring to God?

Let us pray: Lord Almighty, help me to become more and more like you. Refresh my spirit so that I can continue to be your hands and feet in this world. Lord, help me to always unite my heart to yours.



Today’s author is Jenna Spurlock, a former “mountain manager” in Glenmary’s volunteer program at Joppa Mountain, in Grainger County, Tennessee.


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