Sixth Thursday of Easter

Daily Reflection

Sixth Thursday of Easter

The presence of love

From today’s Scripture: “‘A little while and you will not see me, and again a little while and you will see me…you will grieve, but your grief will become joy.’”—Jn 16:16,20

When a baby is born, one person is crying and the rest are laughing. When a person dies, one person is laughing and the rest are crying. Why? One might have passed to the hereafter, but the rest of us miss the physical presence of a loved one. Jesus told his disciples about his leaving them, “You will grieve, but your grief will become joy.” It was necessary for him to leave so that he might be not just with them, but all people through the ages. And his joy was made present through the Holy Spirit. The Spirit’s presence brings joy to all who allow him to enter their lives.

Let us pray: Lord, open my eyes to see your presence all around and fill me with the joy of that presence. May I be your presence to all I meet, especially those who need to be lifted up and shown your love, hope, and joy in their lives.



Today’s author is Father Dominic Duggins. He has served in mission parishes, formation, and administration over many years.


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