Sixth Sunday of Easter

Daily Reflection

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Love as he loves

From today’s Scripture: “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.”—Jn 15:12

There are many days that I imagine going for a walk or sitting down at the beach. And some days Jesus joins me. Sometimes we talk and other times we just enjoy the ocean. Sometimes Jesus reminds me that the waves’ constant coming in and out is how constant his love comes to me. Other times, he invites me to look as far out to the ocean as I can see and tells me that—and more—is how much love he has for me. It is constant and beyond imagining.

Every time I venture this way to the ocean, Jesus’ words remind me of his love and how it is that I am called to love as he loves. I am called to love without limit. It is easy to love those I get along with or who agree with me. It is difficult to love the person who gets under my skin or who I disagree with or find difficult. And yet that is the person I am called to love, with the same love Jesus has for me—constant and without limit, like the waves of the ocean.

Let us pray: Thank you for your constant and never-ending love for me. I pray for the grace to love others as you have loved me—constantly and without limits, especially those who I find challenging and difficult.



Today’s author is Father Dominic Duggins. He has served in mission parishes, formation, and administration over many years.


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