Second Sunday of Lent

Daily Reflection

Second Sunday of Lent

Listening to Jesus

From today’s Scripture: “Then a cloud came, casting a shadow over them; from the cloud came a voice, ‘This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.’” —Mk 9:7

Sometimes we don’t know where to begin. Today’s Scripture passage makes it clear: the first step is to listen to the voice of Jesus. A good question for today, and for the remainder of this Lenten season, is am I listening to Jesus, God’s beloved son? The way that we might be able to do this better is to take more time for quiet prayer today. One way is to take a few minutes of silent reflection before or after Mass. Another way is to dedicate time to reading the upcoming Sunday Scripture during the week and have time to reflect on it before going to Mass.

We might also try harder to recognize when God is speaking to me through others. God’s voice is all around us; can we recognize it? When we do, we will find peace.

Let us pray: O, my Jesus, today my prayer is a simple one. I don’t have any words for you at this moment but am here to listen to you.


Today’s author is Brother David Henley, Vocation Director for Glenmary Home Missioners.


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