Memorial of the Presentation of Mary

Daily Reflection

Memorial of the Presentation of Mary

Act with integrity.

From today’s Scripture: This is how he died, leaving in his death a model of courage and an unforgettable example of virtue not only for the young but for the whole nation.” 2 Maccabees 6:31

This Scripture passage relates the story of Eleazar, a notable scribe who refused to eat unclean meat as the king had ordered. He voluntarily chose martyrdom instead, refusing to compromise his faith and values, in order to set a good example for the younger generations.

Through this act, he also set an example for the entire Jewish nation during a time of persecution. In moments where we are pressured to compromise our faith and values, especially when this seems to be the “easy way out,” may we be inspired by Eleazar’s example to act with integrity, no matter the cost.

Let us pray: Lord, may I be inspired by Eleazar’s example of fidelity to the faith and sacrificial love to remain faithful to my values in everyday life.



Today’s author is Julia Sauter, a member of Glenmary’s Development team. She holds an M.A. in theology from Santa Clara University.


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