Memorial of Saint Vincent de Paul

Daily Reflection

Memorial of Saint Vincent de Paul

Proclaiming the Good News

From today’s Scripture: “Then they set out and went from village to village proclaiming the good news and curing diseases everywhere.”—Lk 9:6

Thanks to the witness and writings of the Apostles, we believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. They had to come to this realization over time and we see their struggles to understand throughout the Gospels. Can you imagine what they went through when healing someone for the first time? Could that have been the thing that opened their minds and hearts to know that they were in the presence of God?

God still works through his people on earth, which means we, too, can experience him every day. That is good news indeed!

Let us pray: Thank you, Lord, for the people you have placed in my life to help me know that you are with me in good times as well as in times of struggle. May I be that person for others.



Today’s author is Chris Phelps, Director of Development for Glenmary Home Missioners.


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