Memorial of Guardian Angels

Daily Reflection

Memorial of Guardian Angels

Simply great

From today’s Scripture: Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.”—Mt 18:4

In today’s Gospel we hear the familiar argument about who is the greatest. I suspect that if we grew up in a family with siblings we often had this or at least a variation of the discussion that is happening in the Gospel of Matthew. Which one of my brothers and sisters is greatest?

Actually, when I was a kid, I could not understand this question, because it was clear that I was far superior than my brothers and sisters! I learned more later in life. We’re all strong in some ways but weak in others. 

Let us pray: Lord, show me how to be humble today, not to see the world as a competition. Strengthen me to follow your way of selflessness, even when it gets hard to do so.



Today’s author is Glenmary Father Neil Pezzulo, mission pastor in Union and Grainger Counties, Tennessee.


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