Holy Saturday

Daily Reflection

Holy Saturday

Everything comes from God.

From today’s Scripture: “My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit; a heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.”—Ps 51:19

What have you given up for Lent? Lenten sacrifice is an important part of our tradition. The psalmist reminds us that what pleases God is a change of heart whereby, in humility, we acknowledge that everything comes from God, and, in contrition, we own up to often misusing these blessings. In other words, we are called to give up our self-centered way of living.

Let us pray: Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner.



Today’s author is Glenmary Father Dennis Holly, whose ministries have included mission pastor and Director of Glenmary’s Department of Pastoral Services.


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