Good Friday

Daily Reflection

Good Friday

Our true source

From today’s Scripture: “Jesus answered Pilate, ‘You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.’”—Jn 19:11

In the Passion account that is read today from the Gospel according to John, the author presents Jesus as being very much in charge. Pilate thinks he has the power of life or death over Jesus. Jesus reminds Pilate of the source of all earthly power. Jesus does not have his life taken from him, but he freely lays it down. What powers do I exercise that I think that I earned or accumulated? Do I acknowledge the true source of whatever power I have and use it appropriately?

Let us pray: Lord, I am not worthy, but your loving kindness knows no limit.



Today’s author is Glenmary Father Dennis Holly, whose ministries have included mission pastor and Director of Glenmary’s Department of Pastoral Services.


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