Fourth Sunday of Easter

Daily Reflection

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Always listening

From today’s Scripture: “…and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd.”—Jn 10:16

How often have we heard the phrase, “Did you hear me”? Our spouse or child is talking, and we space out. Many times, this will snap us out of our reverie, other times we mumble, “Yeah.” In today’s world, there is so much noise and distraction that sometimes it is an effort just to listen. 

Jesus’ words serve as a wake-up call: Our relationship with him requires communication both ways. Not only in our human relationships, but also in our divine relationship with Jesus we need to listen. We tend to focus on our needs during prayer, but we need to include listening to Jesus.

Let us pray: Lord, help us slow down and listen for your word.



Today’s author is Mike Schneider, Glenmary’s former Treasurer and Chief Administrator.


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