Four men to profess Final Oath in June

Glenmary News

Four men to profess Final Oath in June

On June 1 in Cincinnati, Ohio, four men will “solemnly promise and swear before God to dedicate myself for my whole life to the missionary apostolate in the rural areas and small towns of the United States and to the Glenmary way of life.”

Erick Orandi, Joseph Maundu, Willy Kyagulanyi, and Cavine Okello will profess their Final Oaths, a key moment in formation that marks their full membership in the Glenmary community. 

Cavine and Joseph are preparing for priesthood and will be ordained as deacons on June 7 in Charleston, West Virginia. Willy and Erick are preparing for brotherhood.

We caught up with each man to ask about their journey and their hopes for the future.

When did you realize you had a call to religious life?

Erick: I realized that I had a religious calling through experiences of deep spiritual connection and fulfillment in serving others, particularly when I served as an altar boy in my home parish. The passion for religious ministry and serving others led me to start talking to my local parish priest and a Franciscan sister, who encouraged me to seek and apply to religious congregations. 

What inspired you to leave your home country to minister in the United States? (Cavine, Joseph and Erick are from Kenya, while Willy hails from Uganda)

Cavine: One of the most important things that attracted me to Glenmary is their preference for the poor and the neglected. Glenmary’s charism in terms of ministry is so attractive especially to someone who is coming from Africa. I feel they are the best religious organization. What made me wish to come to the U.S. is that as a priest, I wanted to serve where there is need. I believed that was going to be fulfilling to me instead of just being a priest for the sake of it.

What drew you to choose Glenmary?

Joseph: I learned about this group of priests and brothers and lay people, who work together to bring Christ to rural parts of USA and that attracted me. I loved to live Christ-like life promoting unity among the people of God in the counties that Glenmary serves.

When you look ahead to your fully professed ministry, what are you most looking forward too?

Willy: I am looking forward to using my skills, knowledge and talents in serving people in rural areas of America. Being in school for nursing and having seen the need for health care in small towns, I look forward to working with local health care facilities in helping people access and get health care, especially those who cannot afford it. 

-John Stegeman