First Wednesday of Advent

Daily Reflection

First Wednesday of Advent

Give what you have.

From today’s Scripture: “The disciples said to him, ‘Where could we ever get enough bread in this deserted place to satisfy such a crowd?’” —Mt 15:33

Jesus sees the hunger of the people who have been following him for days. He shares his concern with his disciples. They see only the impossibility of the situation. Jesus asks them to give what they have. He takes what little they can offer and makes it enough for all.

Let us pray: Lord, help me to respond to the needs of others even when I feel I have too little to offer. Help me to see it is not how much I have that matters, but rather my willingness to generously cooperate with what you are asking of me.



Today’s author is Sister Darlene Presley, Mother Superior of the Glenmary Sisters.


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