Fifth Sunday of Lent

Daily Reflection

Fifth Sunday of Lent

The new covenant

From today’s Scripture: “Once I am lifted up from earth, I will draw everyone to myself.”—Jn 12:32

Jesus had alluded to this in his dialog with Nicodemus (Jn 3:14). He now anticipates his impending death. Many Greek bystanders who believed in God and had come for the Passover feast could not understand his message. The new covenant in the first reading will be inclusive from the youngest to the oldest: not only to be led in the desert or to cross the street but to be drawn in a mutual relationship with the Lord.

When chaplain Father Mychal Judge, OFM, died at the site of the twin towers of the World Trade Center on 9/11, he became a hero. He was one of the very first slain rescuers carried by other firefighters. In the years since that day in 2001, many survivors carry the aftermath of this tragedy as physical scars and tearful memories. The names of victims keep drawing people to the memorial. His death, an example of selfless service and sacrifice, produced much fruit.

Let us pray: O Lord, as I notice the crosses and images that are covered this 5th Sunday of Lent, I ask the Holy Spirit to nourish me during the meditation of the Scripture readings. I join in the prayers and intercessions of my community for the catechumens, received for their Third Scrutiny. Let us all be drawn to you and by you, as we journey to Palm Sunday and Holy Week.



Today’s author is Glenmary Father François Pellisier, active in marriage and prison ministries.


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