Fifth Monday of Easter

Daily Reflection

Fifth Monday of Easter

Loving Jesus is spending time with Jesus.

From today’s Scripture: “Whoever loves me will keep my word…”—Jn 14:23

Love means being present to those you love. That is key in our understanding of the Eucharist, of Jesus’ witness to us: Under the sacramental signs of bread and wine, Jesus is forever present to us.

If we desire to emulate Christ’s action of loving presence, we will likely need to make some important decisions in life. We will need to carve out non-distracted space in our day for our spouse, children, or friends. We will need to find ways to gaze at, and contemplate, the other, truly desiring to know the other, so as to rest in the other. 

We will also need to reorient our lives to spend time with the one who has shown us the true meaning of love: Jesus Christ, himself. Has it been a while since I sat silently with Jesus? When did I last show my heart to him, and allow him to show me my own heart? 

His love awaits us.

Let us pray: Loving Jesus, you showed us in the incarnation and in the Eucharist that true love means being present. Help me to be lovingly present with my family and friends. Help me to do the same with you. Thanks for this grace. Amen.



Today’s author is Father Aaron Wessman, First Vice President of Glenmary. His most recent mission assignment was in Bertie County, North Carolina.


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