Feast of St. Joseph

Daily Reflection

Feast of St. Joseph

Like father, like son

From today’s Scripture: “Joseph did as the angel of the lord commanded him.”Luke 1:51.

Who was Joseph? I have a Glenmary priest friend who feels that Joseph gets short shrift in the Christmas story. That is why every year his Christmas card depicts St. Joseph prominently, sometimes alone, cradling the Infant Jesus. Nowhere in the Bible do we hear Joseph speak. He has been referred to as Joseph, the Silent. Yet, his life speaks volumes!

What was he like? There is the old saying: “Like father, like son.” And how true this is of Joseph! When we look at Jesus, we see a reflection of Joseph. When we see Jesus engaging with people in the Gospel, we see the spitting image of Joseph! How proud Jesus must have been to be known as the carpenter’s son!

Let us pray: St. Joseph, you were chosen by God to be the husband of Mary and a father to Jesus. You protected and provided for your family as a sign of God’s love and care for us. Help me to respond to God’s invitations as you so wholeheartedly did in your life.



Today’s author is Liz Dudas, an educator from Glenmary’s Pastoral Services department in Nashville, Tenn.


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