Easter Wednesday

Daily Reflection

Easter Wednesday

 Embolden me.

From today’s Scripture: Peter said, ‘I have neither silver nor gold, but what I do have I give you: in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean, rise and walk.’”—Acts 3:6

The Apostles were nothing if not bold as they moved about after the Resurrection. These are the same ones who kept asking questions, doubting Jesus, acting clueless throughout the preceding three years as they followed Jesus. Now, they seem to get it. Or at least they are emboldened to witness in the way that Jesus taught them.

Don’t we all feel clueless sometimes? Perhaps more than a little timid when it comes to sharing our faith in any but the quietest of ways, if at all? We can take solace in knowing that the Apostles were no better. But the encounter with the Risen Lord changes them. Our encounter with Christ, risen, can change us, too.

Let us pray: Lord, you know my heart and its ways. Help me to see you, resurrected, in the world around me. Give me the boldness to share that faith with others.


Today’s author is John Feister, a widely published journalist and member of Glenmary’s Communications Team.


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