Easter Thursday

Daily Reflection

Easter Thursday

Help me understand

From today’s Scripture: “Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.”—Lk 24:45

In the days following his resurrection, Jesus made many appearances to his disciples, who time and again struggled to understand what was taking place right before their eyes. Jesus constantly reassured them that there was nothing to fear; that he was truly alive; and that they were to be the witnesses to the world. He patiently helped them understand that his death and resurrection were foretold by the prophets and necessary for the salvation of mankind. Today, we have their witness in the words of the New Testament. 

God is speaking to us so that we too can understand. Are our minds open to the truth?

Let us pray: Dear Lord, open my mind so that I can understand the mysteries revealed in the Scriptures and feel the full power of your love for me.



Today’s author is Chris Phelps, Director of Development for Glenmary Home Missioners.


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