
Daily Reflection


Alleluia! He is risen!

From today’s Scripture: “For they did not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead.”—Jn 20:9

The unthinkable had happened. The Lord and Messiah had been crucified. In her grief she returned to the tomb and found it empty. Can you imagine the panic and confusion Mary Magdalene must have felt? “They did not yet understand.” Then, it’s utter joy when she comes to know that Jesus is risen. Her despair becomes rejoicing.

We, too, must experience the despair of Christ’s passion to understand the joy of his resurrection. With that understanding we can truly rejoice and sing, “Alleluia! He is risen!”

Let us pray: Dear Jesus, as the alleluias resound across the earth today, open my heart to the joy of the Easter promise. Help me understand that your victory over death gives me hope of eternal life.



Today’s author is Chris Phelps, Director of Development for Glenmary Home Missioners.


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