27th Wednesday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

27th Wednesday in Ordinary Time

Teach us to pray.

From today’s Scripture: “‘Lord, teach us to pray.’”—Lk 11:1

Maybe the disciples did not know the extent of the question they were asking when they asked how to pray.

Jesus’ prayer, in the Our Father, is that we recognize the greatness of God. God’s Kingdom is not of this world but of that which is to come. The line that makes me wonder is, “Forgive us our trespasses…” Yes, I want Jesus to forgive my sins. But Jesus goes further and asks me and us to forgive those who have harmed me.

Now, that’s a challenge for me. Are there times when we feel that we are not ready to forgive others? The words of Jesus linger in my heart, “…as we forgive those who trespass against us.” What are we to do? I believe that each of us can pray for that person or group that has harmed us. The first step in forgiving others. That’s a blessing of living the Lord’s Prayer.

Let us pray: Loving Lord Jesus, today let your love for me find ways that I can forgive others, so that I may grow in holiness.



Today’s author is Glenmary Father Vic Subb, pastor of St. Joan of Arc parish in Washington County, North Carolina.


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