27th Tuesday of Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

27th Tuesday of Ordinary Time

Give your full self!

From today’s Scripture: Mary has chosen the better part.”— Lk 10:42

Hospitality is an important mark of Christianity. In Jesus’ visit to Mary and Martha, Jesus experienced two great examples of this virtue. Martha, out of love for Jesus, prepared a great meal for Jesus, but she did not have time to listen to Jesus’ words. Her sister, Mary, took that time. Now, many would say that Mary was lazy. She forgot about preparation and went to listen to every word of Jesus.

I had an aunt who would prepare a great meal when I would visit, but she was in the kitchen most of the time and would ask me to sit in the living room. Upon leaving I realized that we did not have quality time in visiting, I only saw some good TV shows!

What are we to do? Prepare for our guests, and always be mindful of giving our full self by listing and sharing our lives with each other.

Let us pray: Loving Jesus, when I am with my brothers and sisters today, free me from my preoccupations of life so that I may give my full attention to them.



Today’s author is Glenmary Father Vic Subb, pastor of St. Joan of Arc parish in Washington County, North Carolina.


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