26th Friday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

26th Friday in Ordinary Time

The Little Way

From today’s Scripture: May your compassion quickly come to us.”—Ps 79:8

Sometimes we are in a mood that may not be all that charitable, kind or even Christian. We want to have the final word in every conversation, particular arguments. At least I do!

Today’s Gospel Acclamation is exactly what we need to hear when we are in one of those moods “If today you hear his voice, harden not your heart.” It’s from Psalm 95. 

Whereas sometimes our hearts are seemingly hard, we have an interesting and uplifting example of how to live our lives without a hard heart. St. Thérèse Lisieux taught us, and continues to teach us, gratitude. Perhaps it is time to re-read The Story of a Soul, which outlined what she called the little way. In it she describes how the “small stuff” of life can point us to the greatest things.

Let us pray: St. Thérèse, inspire me! Let me see in your little way the big ways of our loving God. Today, help me to love God in all things.



Today’s author is Glenmary Father Neil Pezzulo, mission pastor in Union and Grainger Counties, Tennessee.


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