25th Thursday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

25th Thursday in Ordinary Time

“Consider your ways!”

From today’s Scripture: “Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Consider your ways!’”Hg 1:5

In this passage, God is speaking to the Israelites through the prophet Haggai: “Consider your ways!” He actually says it twice, perhaps because the Israelites are not paying attention. Instead of building a house for God, they are working for themselves. But their efforts are for naught. They have sown, but brought in little. They have eaten, but are not satisfied. All they have for their wages is a bag full of holes.

John the Baptist followed a long line of prophets echoing this message: Repent! Change your ways and give glory to God! Only then are we ready to recognize and welcome Jesus the Messiah into our lives.

Let us pray: Dear God, am I paying attention to your words, or am I like the Israelites trying to do things on my own? Help me consider my ways and turn my focus to you.



Today’s author is Chris Phelps, Director of Development for Glenmary Home Missioners.


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