20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The power of prayer

From today’s Scripture:“O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.”—Mt 15:28

How often do we say, “I’ll pray for you,” then forget all about it! No, I’m not talking to you “power pray-ers,” who never forget. This is to the rest of us, who have good intentions, but sometimes don’t follow through.

If we heard, “come pick up a guaranteed-winner lottery ticket,” you can be sure we wouldn’t forget to show up! Can we think of prayer as something that powerful? The woman who approaches Jesus today certainly does. She keeps calling, “Lord, help me!” even as the disciples try to shoo her away. Jesus delivers, we hear: “her daughter was healed from that hour.” Jesus delivers for us, too, in a big way.

Let us pray: Dear Jesus, stir in my heart the power of your prayer, the willingness to cry, “Lord, help me!” Then—and I know it’s asking a lot—help me to listen for your word.



Today’s author is John Feister, an award-winning journalist and member of Glenmary’s Communications Team.


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