19h Monday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

19h Monday in Ordinary Time

God’s concern for the poor

From today’s Scripture: “So you must befriend the alien, for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt.”—Dt10:19

In the pages of the Scriptures we see God’s people growing in their knowledge of God and of the other people that God has placed in their lives. This growth often takes place through their reflection on their experiences. God has special concern for those who are most in need, and most vulnerable.

The Israelites had the experience of being well received as aliens in the time of Joseph. But eventually they were distrusted and oppressed. Who are the needy today that God wants to care for through you?

Let us pray: Lord, create in me a heart like yours, that reaches out to those who cannot make it on their own.



Today’s author is Father Dennis Holly, who has served in a number of roles in Glenmary including as pastor, Director of Glenmary’s Department of Pastoral Services, and Vice President of Glenmary.


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