19th Friday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

19th Friday in Ordinary Time

Letting go

From today’s Scripture: “Thus they are no longer two but one flesh.”—Mt 19:6

Unity in marriage is an ideal that comes about over time. Each partner must willingly let go of personal preferences and desires for the sake of common goals and needs. This requires constant awareness of the other. Obviously this demands personal sacrifice. In the words of the marriage ritual: “Sacrifice is usually difficult and irksome. Only love can make it easy. And perfect love can make it a joy.” And this joy, mutually shared, is among the greatest benefits of marriage.

Let us pray: Lord, who poured yourself into your creation, inspire in me a love like yours.



Today’s author is Father Dennis Holly, who has served in a number of roles in Glenmary including as pastor, Director of Glenmary’s Department of Pastoral Services, and Vice President of Glenmary.


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