16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The right path

From today’s Scripture: “He guides me in right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side with your rod and your staff that give me courage.”—Ps 23:3-4

I hear God’s voice most frequently through the scriptures. It seems like he is often waiting there to spend time with me.

But this definitely does not mean understanding comes easily! In fact, a great example is in today’s psalm. David writes that God “guides me in right paths.” But the very next line mentions walking in a “dark valley.” How could God’s right path include a dark valley?

I take comfort in knowing that we’re not just on the right path when life is smooth and uncomplicated. Instead of feeling alone as I walk through a dark valley, I can stand on the promise that God will always be with me.

Let us pray: God, I ask for the grace to believe you are with me even when I’m walking through a dark valley. Increase my awareness of all the ways you are constantly drawing near to me!



Today’s author is Cassie Magnotta, a Catholic creative and former member of Glenmary’s Communications Team.