15th Wednesday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

15th Wednesday in Ordinary Time

Childlike trust

From today’s Scripture: “I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike.”—Mt 11:25

Our society often values those who are educated, successful, the go-getters. Jesus shows us that his ways and standards are much different than our human ways. Jesus in today’s Gospel shows that God’s way is not revealed to those who are wise and learned, but rather to the childlike. 

Children are dependent on their parents. They know their parents love and care for them. God expects us to have a childlike trust in him.

Let us pray: God my Loving Father, in my weakness I often think I can handle life on my own. Remind me that I am always your child and you want nothing but true goodness for me.



Today’s author is Glenmary Brother Thomas Nguyen, who has a master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry and currently serves in Martin County, North Carolina.