15th Thursday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

15th Thursday in Ordinary Time

Jesus, our refuge

From today’s Scripture: “Jesus said: ‘Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.’”—Mt 11:28

Life can be tough at times. We pray for the hardness to go away. But often that is not God’s will. Jesus may not stop our labors and/or burdens, but he promises to be our refuge.

Sometimes, when we are lost in our troubles, we forget that Christ is there with us, always. Jesus entered into our human condition to remind us that we are not alone. Today, consider that Jesus is ever-present in our lives. If we trust him, we find our comfort, our rest.

Let us pray: Christ, remind me that you are my refuge no matter the pains or trials I may experience in life.



Today’s author is Glenmary Brother Thomas Nguyen, who has a master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry and currently serves in Martin County, North Carolina.