15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Good Samaritan

From today’s Scripture: “But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him was moved with compassion at the sight.”—Lk 10:33

Compassion means entering into the suffering of the other. In this well-known parable of the Good Samaritan, it is not a priest, or a Levite that is moved to act but, rather, a Samaritan. Samaritans are rejected and discriminated against by Jews, yet Jesus exults the Good Samaritan as the prime example of mercy.

What are the sufferings and wounds in our lives that allow us to become more compassionate to others? Who are the people on the fringes of society whom God is calling us to attend to?

Let us pray: God open my eyes and heart as you did to the Good Samaritan. Help me to see you in those who are most rejected and disenfranchised in society.




Today’s author is Glenmary student Brother Thomas Nguyen, who is studying pastoral ministry at University of Dayton. This week’s reflections are also in Spanish, available by email.


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