15th Saturday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

15th Saturday in Ordinary Time

Source of goodness

From today’s Scripture: “Many people followed him, and he cured them all, but he warned them not to make him known.”—Mt 12:15-16

It is easy to bathe in our good actions or pious deeds. Often we are tempted to think that our good actions come from our own sense of goodness. In today’s Gospel, Jesus gives us this example. We see that Jesus does not take glory in his good actions. He does good actions to glorify God. He heals others as a way to show people God’s mercy and love. 

Today, let us ask how we are called to show God’s mercy and glory to others.

Let us pray: God, show me your love so I can be a vessel of your love to all those I encounter.



Today’s author is Glenmary Brother Thomas Nguyen, who has a master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry and currently serves in Martin County, North Carolina.