15th Friday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

15th Friday in Ordinary Time

Little blessings

From today’s Scripture: “If you knew what this meant, I desire mercy, not sacrifice, you would not have condemned these innocent men.”—Mt 12:7

Pharisees were devout lay leaders in the Jewish community. Sometimes as Christians we also fall into the same mistake that the Pharisees made in today’s Gospel. In the zeal of following the commands of Scripture, we forget the heart of Scripture, which is mercy.

Jesus reminds us that it is mercy that he desires rather than any good deeds or heroic actions. Jesus came to show us the mercy of God. He wants us all to have mercy on our neighbors rather than condemn them, for not keeping up with Christian precepts as well as we do. 

Let us pray: Jesus show me the mercy of God. Teach me to be a channel of your mercy to others.



Today’s author is Glenmary Brother Thomas Nguyen, who has a master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry and currently serves in Martin County, North Carolina.