14th Wednesday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

14th Wednesday in Ordinary Time

Carving a path

From today’s Scripture: As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.’Mt 10:7

Have you ever been a few blocks behind an ambulance? You can hear the siren blaring and see others pulling to the side of the road to let the ambulance pass by. As it comes to a busy intersection it will slow down, sure, but always press forward, making its presence known. The kingdom of God is a bit like that. It’s there, carving a path through the everyday, making itself known. We are supposed to be a part of that. We may not shout it aloud, but we should be announcing the kingdom of God in word and deed.

Let us pray: Lord, make me a Kingdom person. Help me today to hear your voice and find ways to share it with others.



Today’s author is John Feister, an award-winning journalist and leader of Glenmary’s Communications Team. 


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