13th Thursday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

13th Thursday in Ordinary Time

Good over bad

From today’s Scripture: “‘Why do you harbor evil thoughts? Which is easier, to say, “Your sins are forgiven,” or to say, “Rise and walk”? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins’—he then said to the paralytic, ‘Rise, pick up your stretcher, and go home.’ He rose and went home.”—Mt 9:4-7 

Jesus is so awesome! Today’s Gospel is one of those moments of BOOM IN YOUR FACE, SCRIBES! (sorry—youth-mentor moment). The Scripture says that they “harbored evil thoughts” and that is what kept them from believing in Jesus.

How many times do we hold on to evil, lustful, resentful or selfish thoughts that keep us from seeing the miracles God is working in our lives? Why is it easier to believe the bad over the good? Since God is for us, do not allow your own thoughts to keep you from encountering God working in your life. 

Let us pray: Lord, save me today from thoughts that keep me from receiving your miracles. Help me to see your grace, your miraculous touch, all around me.



Today’s reflection is by Tania Delgado, Pastoral Associate at Glenmary’s Holy Family parish in Macon County, Tennessee. This reflection is also in Spanish, available by email.


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