13th Friday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

13th Friday in Ordinary Time

Give me comfort

From today’s Scripture: In his love for her, Isaac found solace after the death of his mother Sarah.” —Gn 24:67

Love one another is a command none of us must forget. People come and go in our lives, some by death, some by geographical or even emotional distance. In our love for one another, day in and day out, right here in the everyday, we find solace, comfort. Today’s telling of Isaac’s story contains this short sentence, but the short sentence speaks volumes: our love for one another is a powerful force in all of our lives.

Let us pray: Open my heart, Lord, that I might see your hand in everything that happens to me today. Help me to accept the love of others in my life. Where I need comfort, let me find it in the embrace of those you send my way.



Today’s author is John Feister, an award-winning journalist and leader of Glenmary’s Communications Team. 


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