12th Saturday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

12th Saturday in Ordinary Time

The eighth sacrament

From today’s Scripture: “Sir, if I may ask of you this favor, please do not go on past your servant.”—Gn 18:3 

What an attitude: “PLEASE do ME the favor of letting me show you hospitality!” Of course, Abraham didn’t have a smartphone to distract him. Is it possible those incredible devices are negating some wonderful human interactions (not to mention opportunities to be hospitable)? We, sometimes, hear of hospitality being the eighth sacrament. We might not attain biblical proportions, but even a smile goes a long way.

Let us pray: Lord, help me to remember that no act of kindness is ever wasted, that every act of love truly changes people—the lover and the loved.




Today’s author is Glenmary Father Chet Artysiewicz, mission pastor.


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