Tuesday of Holy Week

Daily Reflection

Tuesday of Holy Week

Recognizing Jesus

From today’s Scripture: “Where I am going, you cannot follow me now, though you will follow later.” —Jn 13:36

In today’s Gospel Jesus announces that one of his apostles will betray him. He also predicts that another will deny him three times. If this disobedience can occur with the people so close to Jesus, it can certainly occur in my life as well.  

Darkness enters into our world in those times that we fail to recognize Jesus in our neighbor. Those times that we fail to be concerned about the sick, share our food with the hungry or welcome the stranger. We are betraying and denying Jesus in these moments.

But there is hope for us in today’s Gospel reading. Jesus says, “Where I am going, you cannot follow me now, though you will follow later.” We know from the scripture that while Peter repented, Judas did not. Let Peter be an example for us that we, too, can repent and follow Jesus and recognize him in our neighbor.

Let us pray: Lord, you have called me from my birth and have formed me to follow you. Help me to be a bearer of light in this world and not a shadow of darkness. Open my eyes to recognize you in those around me who are in need.




Today’s author is Glenmary Brother David Henley, Vocation Director for Glenmary Home Missioners.


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