Fifth Tuesday of Easter

Daily Reflection

Fifth Tuesday of Easter

What an amazing Gospel!

From today’s Scripture: “Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.”—Jn 14:27

I love today’s Gospel. I suppose it is because my heart often feels troubled, anxious, or even afraid. Conflict exists. Peace seems far away. 

But every time I read Jesus’ words, I feel a sense of his calm, his gift of peace, his reassurance that I do not have to let my heart be troubled. 

As we listen to these words of Jesus, they become a reality. His peace becomes our peace. Our peace becomes the world’s peace. The world’s peace becomes eternal peace. 

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, grant me, and the world, the gift of your peace. Let our hearts not be troubled but, instead, rest in you. Amen.



Today’s author is Father Aaron Wessman, First Vice President of Glenmary. His most recent mission assignment was in Bertie County, North Carolina.


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