Fifth Day of Christmas

Daily Reflection

Fifth Day of Christmas

Love one another

From today’s Scripture: “Whoever says he is in the light, yet hates his brother, is still in the darkness. Whoever loves his brother remains in the light, and there is nothing in him to cause a fall.”—1 Jn 2:9-1

Many young people have left the Church because they do not think it truly loves everyone. This is reinforced when some bishops have recommended that we no longer sing a song with the words “All are welcome in this place.” In efforts to stand up for truth, we sometimes seem to lack love.

If we are children of the light, then everyone—every immigrant and refugee, every Republican, Democrat and Independent, every broadcaster, everyone on social assistance, everyone in prison, everyone in a nursing home, everyone in every country is my brother and sister—all are children of God. I MUST LOVE them all. Then and only then, might some words of correction or moral guidance become useful. Yet, all efforts to bring a strong moral voice to the world are wasted if we do not demonstrate a true love and affection for every person.

Let us pray: Dear Lord of All, help us be rid of prejudice in our own hearts and in any system that discriminates against another. May we and the church we belong to, demonstrate deep love of all God’s children regardless of their labels. May our voice of moral uplift be rooted in the compassion of Christ.



Today’s author is Glenmary Father Steve Pawelk, codirector of Glenmary’s novitiate program. Prior to that he was a mission pastor in East Tennessee.


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