Feast of Sts. Joachim & Anne

Daily Reflection

Feast of Sts. Joachim & Anne

Waters of life

From today’s Scripture: “But the seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit.” —Mt 13:23

I was gardening recently and got caught outside in the rain. My free time was limited and I had much to accomplish that day, so I decided to finish what I was working on, even if it meant getting wet.

The raindrops almost felt like God was tapping me on the shoulder. I started thinking about rain and how it’s a source of so much new life. I felt God asking me to think about why I’m so fast to get out of the rain all the time. Could there be special opportunities I’m missing because I’m too quick to keep myself comfortable?

Let us pray: Lord, thank you for sowing your seeds of love in my heart! Help me to be one who hears your word, understands it, and bears fruit.



Today’s author is Cassie Magnotta, a Catholic creative and former member of Glenmary’s Communications Team.