28th Thursday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

28th Thursday in Ordinary Time

Welcome the stranger.

From today’s Scripture: “For there is no distinction; all have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God. They are justified freely by His grace through the redemption in Christ Jesus.”—Romans 3:23-24

The Jewish people were tragically persecuted and enslaved through generations. Their consolation was that they were God’s own people, set apart and close to his heart. Then, Jesus came along and said (like him) they must pour themselves out by bringing the good news to others, to gentiles, freely and without distinction. 

Jesus’ listeners didn’t want to welcome foreigners and share their inheritance and identity. But that reluctance to share land and wealth is not unique to the ancients. Today, many Americans want our country to be set apart as a chosen people. Christians have inherited the arduous task of instilling in our own people the understanding that welcoming the stranger is better for everyone.

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, you bade us to welcome the stranger and break bread with them. Help us to give up what we think should happen and embrace your will. Help us emulate your radical love and acceptance.



Today’s author is Jenna Spurlock, a student who served as mountain manager in Glenmary’s volunteer program at Joppa Mountain, in Grainger County, Tennessee.


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