28th Saturday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

28th Saturday in Ordinary Time

Here and today

From today’s Scripture: “When they take you before synagogues and before rulers and authorities, do not worry about how or what your defense will be or about what you are to say. For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that moment what you should say.”—Luke 12:11-12

Dreams of grandeur, where we cast ourselves as St. Joan of Arc or other heroic martyrs that die for Christendom, are a waste of time. Christ urges us to be present to what God has placed in our lives, rather than daydreaming of being heroes. Each day has enough trouble of its own.The way of Jesus is deceptively simple but never easy.

Jesus says simply, “Don’t worry.” Easier said than done, Jesus! But we can learn to listen to the Holy Spirit. That way when we are tested because of what we have done for Christ, the Holy Spirit can whisper to us what to say. 

Let us pray: Father, may we speak loudly for your merciful love, unconcerned with earthly results. Help us to be present to the beauty of your presence in our lives.



Today’s author is Jenna Spurlock, a student who served as mountain manager in Glenmary’s volunteer program at Joppa Mountain, in Grainger County, Tennessee.


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