28th Friday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reflection

28th Friday in Ordinary Time

Teach me trust.

From today’s Scripture: “‘Are not five sparrows sold for two small coins? Yet not one of them has escaped the notice of God. Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. Do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows.’”—Luke 12:6-7

My imagination is limited. I can’t imagine an omnipotent being that can keep track of every hair on the heads of nearly 8 billion people. Not to mention all the animals! Because of course, it’s not just hair, it’s our thoughts, words and actions, too.

How is it possible to keep track of all that! We doubt God’s capability, but these words of Jesus assure us: though we are small, he is big and perfectly capable of counting everything and keeping me from disaster—if only I will trust him.

Let us pray: Lord God, your magnitude and power defy human understanding. Help me to trust as a child does and know that I can entrust all my fears and doubts to you.



Today’s author is Jenna Spurlock, a student who served as mountain manager in Glenmary’s volunteer program at Joppa Mountain, in Grainger County, Tennessee.


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