From today’s Scripture: “…you have revealed to the childlike.”—Lk 10:21
After 50 years as a priest I had a wonderful insight into this quote recently. When I left the parish, she was a high school student. Fourteen years later she was married with two children. It was wonderful catching up with her and meeting her husband and children. Following our reunion meal, as I was walking out of the restaurant, a little hand reached up and grasped mine. I was startled at first but I realized the 3-year-old’s parents had instilled that practice in her.
What trust! She’d only met me for an hour or so. I suppose she thought any “big people” her parents visited must be OK. I believe sometimes our trust in God comes with conditions and hesitancy—which translates as the opposite of a trust that is “childlike.”
Let us pray: Lord, forgive me for the conditional trust I have offered; help me be more childlike.
Today’s author is Father Chet Artysiewicz, a member of Glenmary’s Development Office.
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