Holy Thursday

Daily Reflection

Holy Thursday

We need the Eucharist.

From today’s Scripture: “For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes.” 1 Cor 11:26

Lent technically ended yesterday. These next three days of the Triduum lead us to a deep reflection of the significance of the death and resurrection of Christ.

During the pandemic many discovered how deeply they needed the Eucharistic, the body and blood of Christ. Watching Mass on television and making a spiritual communion, though helpful, was not the same as receiving the physical presence of Christ in the consecrated host and wine. For each of us, receiving Christ in the Holy Presence is a deeply personal and intimate experience. It is layered with meaning.

Paul reminds us that we are sharing in the death, the crucifixion of our Lord. It is an act of waiting for Him to return. The world is constantly being redeemed as sin continues to flow around us. Yet, our faith in Jesus, our participation in eating and drinking of Christ’s presence, is an act of hope that Christ will come again. The Reign of God will be fully established. We will live in a time of “no more death or mourning, wailing or pain.” (Rev. 21:4)

Let us pray: May I consume the truth that the death of Christ is redeeming the world. May I willingly drink the bitterness of suffering so that a new world in Christ may emerge.




Today’s author is Glenmary Father Steven Pawelk, our Novitiate Director.



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